Real Estate Salesperson
- Office: 518-452-3912 Ext. 2586
- Cell: 518-542-1430
- Email: jrosenberger@falveygroup.com
About James W. Rosenberger
- Has spent numerous years in the service industry
- Lifelong resident of the Albany, NY area
- Member of National Association of Realtors (NAR), NYS Association of Realtors (NYSAR), Greater Capital Association of Realtors (GCAR) & Global MLS
- Belief in “HI-5” program – Honesty, Integrity and the 5 “C’s – care, client relationships, confidence, communication and connection
- Consistently in the top 8% or all Capital Region Realtors
- Multi-year award winner at the Breakfast of Champions through the Women’s Council of Realtors
- 2018 Daily Gazette “Best of the Best” finalist