7 Tips to Make Your Home Greener

  1.  Use LED Lights Instead of Incandescent or Fluorescent Bulbs.  LED lights are more sustainable because they use less electricity.  They also last alot longer than other types of light bulbs, making them more cost-effective in the long run.  Although they are initially more expensive to purchase, LED lights can save you money over time and make your home greener.
  2. Recycling Old Clothes and Cleaning Supplies Rather Than Throwing Them in the Trash.  It is important to recycle because your are helping keep waste out of landfills and reducing pollution, which can lead to some serious consequences for our environment.  You may want to make it a goal this year not only to clean your home, but also get your children excited about recycling their old clothes by organizing a swap with friends or family.
  3. Avoid Buying Plastic Food Containers and Bottles Whenever Possible.  You should drink your water from a reusable glass or cup instead, which can reduce the amount of plastics that end up in landfills each year.  Recycle the plastics that you do end up buying and avoid plastic bags.
  4. Install a Programmable Thermostat.  By installing a programmable thermostat you are able to find a comfortable temperature for your home before you arrive and turn off the heat when no one is at home.
  5. Use a Drying Rack or Clothesline.  Dry clothes outside when you’re able to instead of using your dryer.  Not only will this reduce the amount of time it takes for your clothes to dry, but it will also save some serious money.
  6. Compost Your Food Scraps and Plant Some Trees in Your Backyard to Naturally Filter Rainwater.  Composting helps the environment.  You do this by throwing your food scraps in a compost bin and then using the compost to fertilize plants, which will help filter rainwater.  You can also use plants inside which can help improve the quality of air in your home.
  7. Put a Timer on Your Television, Computer, and Other Electronics to Reduce Energy Consumption While You Sleep.  By setting a timer for your electronics (such as the television and computer) you can reduce energy consumption while you sleep, which is usually when these items are turned on.

This list is just the beginning.  There are many other simple changes that you can make to help your home be more sustainable.  These changes may seem small, but they are important because of what kind of an impact they may have on our environment.  The more people who work together to protect our environment, the better.  Contact Falvey Real Estate Group at 518.452.3912 to speak with an agent on additional ways we can all help the environment.